Megan and I have had a couple of hectic days trying to finish up the show. On Monday, the Convention Center was so crowded you could hardly get down the aisles, no less try to see what the vendors were selling! Luckily by noon we were out of the convention center and onto a bus tour of independently owned markets around the San Francisco area. The bus was filled with an eclectic mix of manufacturers, small coffee and cheese merchants and grocers from as far away as Australia and Korea. It was fascinating to discuss the different challenges we all face in our businesses.
It is absolutely amazing how much merchandise these city stores can pack into such a small space. One of them was only 3,500 sf and they had 90 employees working elbow to elbow! Their back storage room was filled from floor to ceiling with boxes. Gene, I hope you appreciate all that wonderful space you have down in the basement! While all the stores had their own unique flavor, it really made us realize that……DAMN WE HAVE A BEAUTIFUL STORE!!
Yesterday the show was much less crowded and we were able to see all the booths. We have found so much great new merchandise and we can’t wait to share it all with you. Not only did we find great new products, Megan and I are bursting with new ideas and can hardly sleep. Our brains are working on overtime!
After the show, we took ourselves on a few more store tours. The four Whole Foods we visited out here are much grungier than the new ones back East. Sad to see how they’ve let their stores decline. Another store that was recommended to us was the Berkeley Bowl. BIG STORE! Their produce department was more than 3,000 sf. It was insane!!!! Because they have such a diverse range of people that shop there, we saw produce we never knew existed. It was fascinating!!!! I’m always on my managers about signage and sign holders. Well, Mike, you guys in produce would have gotten a kick out of this….their signs were written on white butcher paper and held onto the displays with paper clips. Not exactly up to Palmer’s standards.
It’s been an exhilarating trip and has re-inspired both of. We can’t wait to get back and share it all with you!!!!!!
Stay warm!
Cindy and Megan